Mapping C Structures in Scala

What is the best way to read and write string bytes in Scala style, e.g .:

    struct account {
            int id;
            char[10] data1;
            char[10] data2;
            float dataFloat;


There's an unpacking function in Python to interpret strings as packed binary data. But I cannot find an analogue in Scala.

What is the standard way for such a display in Scala? Reading bytes one by one is very inconvenient. The protocol I need for parsing comes back from the 1980s and contains different fields (short, int, float), so reading its byte value would be very unsatisfactory.


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2 answers (code) might be what you want. Some examples in this video: Introduction to seamless with apps from scodec

Example from the docs: automatic case class binding is supported via Shapeless HLists:

case class Point(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int)

val pointCodec = (int8 :: int8 :: int8).as[Point]

val encoded: Attempt[BitVector] = pointCodec.encode(Point(-5, 10, 1))
// Successful(BitVector(24 bits, 0xfb0a01))

val decoded: Attempt[DecodeResult[Point]] = pointCodec.decode(hex"0xfb0a01".bits)
// Successful(DecodeResult(Point(-5,10,1),BitVector(empty)))




As Scala can still rely on java classes:

You are of course using InputStream

to read bytes, Convert string byte[]

to string should be the same as Java using new String(byte[])


The float conversion is another issue that was answered in this SO question about byte for floating point conversion in Java .

An easier way is to use java.nio.ByteBuffer which has a convenient getFloat method



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