AngularJS directive with $ http creates memory leak - .resolve doesn't seem to work?

I seem to have a problem and I don't think I can see a solution, maybe someone can help ... I have an AngularJS directive that makes a request $http

that returns HTML and I inject it into my view when there is content - I know this is not very convenient and the HTML return should be replaced with JSON and using templates, but I have no control over the content that is returned from the $ http request. The directive takes some arguments / attributes to get the correct content and everything seems to work. Direct, usually in 7 places, in my opinion, one in my navigation which I add to my index using ng-include, three times in my footer which I add to my index.html using ng-include

and then the directive appears insideng-view

I have, the tag can display 0 to 3 times per view. This is a directive in my HTML

<div data-cms-inject data-page-name="homePageContent" data-slot-name="slot1"></div>


Here is the JS ...

.directive('cmsInject', ['$rootScope', '$q', '$http', function ($rootScope, $q, $http) {
        'use strict';
        return {
            restrict: 'A',
            link: function (scope, element, attrs) {

                var canceller = $q.defer(),
                    cmsPromise = $http({
                    url : 'url/to/feed',
                    timeout: canceller.promise,
                    method: 'POST',
                    data: [{
                    pageName: attrs.pageName,
                    slotName: attrs.slotName

                cmsPromise.success(function(data) {

                    var resp = data[0];

                    if(resp.replace(/\s{1,}/,'').replace(/\r?\n|\r/g,'') !== 'null') {
                    console.log('new request success');
                }).error(function(data) {
                    console.log('new request error', data);

                }) ;

                $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function () {



Now this works fine, but when I quickly move between views in my application, I notice that the application seems to slow down and then shutdown the browser, thus we have a memory leak. At first I thought it had to do with pending $ http calls, but when I tried to solve them using timeout and $ locationChangeStart event, the problem persisted. Then I tried writing to the console to see what was going on ... this is the result I have ...

This is when I load the application, we have 7 instances of the directive, 3 are inside ng-view, 4 are outside in ng-include

7 new request success


Then I switch to a new view without directives

7 $locationChangeStart


Then go back to the original view

7 $locationChangeStart
3 new request success


Once again I switch to a new view without directives

10 $locationChangeStart


Back to the original view

10 $locationChangeStart
3 new request success


Once again I switch to a new view without directives

13 $locationChangeStart


and finally return to the original view

13 $locationChangeStart
3  new request success


Something weird here, since the number of times the $ locationChangeStart event is called increases, more than the pointer appears on the page, ng-include + ng-view can see what I am doing wrong here, some dumping remains in memory / DOM. I think?


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3 answers

The increase in the number of event handlers can be explained:



You attach an event handler to $rootScope

and it certainly doesn't disappear when the directive's lifecycle ends. The event handler must be bound to scope




Your directive creates circular links between DOM and js objects. Try to avoid binding events to the rootScope and using services such as $ http inside the link directive. The best solution is to put this logic in the startup function of the module.

Something like that:

.run(['$rootScope', 'myService',  function($rootScope, myService){

    $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function () {
            var resp = data[0];
            if(resp.replace(/\s{1,}/,'').replace(/\r?\n|\r/g,'') !== 'null') {
               $rootScope.$broadcast('cmsLoaded', data);

.directive('cmsInject', ['$rootScope', '$q', '$http', function ($rootScope, $q, $http) {
        'use strict';
        return {
            restrict: 'A',
            link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
               scope.$on('cmsLoaded', function(e, args) {




Move your HTTP calls to some service and use that service in your directive. Listen for the directive's $ destory event and clean up if you can.



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