Limit the top command to only display the top X processes on the command line

I am not sure why top

there is no option in the command that does this as it seems like a natural request.

If I pipe the output top

to head

, then the list is not updated and I get static output once. Then I could put a team watch

in motion to do the job. But is there an easier solution?


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5 answers

> top


then click n

to display the maximum objectives.

When working from above, one of the most important keys is to help ( h

or ?

) to see the available options ( n

given in the help).

UPDATE (after comment):

PERSONAL Configuration File

can help in batch. Run top

then set the maximum tasks displayed with n

and use the interactive command W

to create or update the config file. top

will be launched according to the config file next time.



I use a trick, especially for batch mode. I pipe out to grep with the "-A" option to show N lines after the match.

As with the first line of the top, there is something like: "load average", I grep, for example:

$ top -d 5 -b|grep "load average" -A 15
top - 09:42:34 up 38 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.22, 0.39, 0.53
Tasks: 294 total,   2 running, 291 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
%Cpu(s):  3.5 us,  0.9 sy,  0.0 ni, 94.6 id,  0.5 wa,  0.3 hi,  0.1 si,  0.0 st
KiB Mem :  8065144 total,  2213800 free,  2733524 used,  3117820 buff/cache
KiB Swap: 24575996 total, 24575996 free,        0 used.  4613128 avail Mem 

 2744 lrojas    20   0 3376820 752000 116588 R  20.2  9.3   9:30.01 firefox
 1869 lrojas     9 -11  566164  18336  14300 S   5.2  0.2   2:35.78 pulseaudio
 2401 lrojas    20   0  740092 200456  87256 S   2.4  2.5   0:57.29 skype
 2402 lrojas    20   0  617872 172924  76172 S   2.2  2.1   0:57.17 skype
 1333 root      20   0  459028  60992  48024 S   1.6  0.8   0:36.14 Xorg
 1838 lrojas    20   0 2103336 184468  64724 S   1.4  2.3   0:56.85 gnome-shell
 2359 lrojas    20   0  741212  35068  24620 S   1.4  0.4   0:06.83 gnome-terminal-
 2404 lrojas    20   0 1867556 229912  83988 S   0.8  2.9   0:19.63 thunderbird
 1249 apache    20   0  461436  10196   3404 S   0.4  0.1   0:00.57 httpd


So it will continue in batch mode, always displaying only the first N lines of output.

Completely standard solution for any version of top.



Perhaps you should add a parameter -b

that runs top

in batch:watch -n 5 'top -b -d 5 | head -n 10'



Run top then type n and specify the number of lines you need



On some operating systems (like Android) you can use the switch -m


top -m 10 




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