Difference between Object.create (prototype) and object (prototype)

Quick but tricky question:

var child = Object.create(parent.prototype);

var child = Object(parent.prototype); 


Are they identical?

<i> change

My question was raised by these two examples of inheritPrototype functions used to implement parasitic combinational inheritance.

function inheritPrototype(childObject, parentObject) {
    var copyOfParent = Object.create(parentObject.prototype);
    copyOfParent.constructor = childObject;
    childObject.prototype = copyOfParent;



function inheritPrototype(subType, superType){
    var prototype = object(superType.prototype); 
    prototype.constructor = subType; 
    subType.prototype = prototype;


"Parasitic Combinational Inheritance" in Professional JavaScript for Web Developers


source to share

3 answers

No, they are not identical, see below:

  • Object.create(prototype)

    will create a new prototype which inherits from prototype

    passed as argument

  • Object(obj)

    or new Object(obj)

    will create a new instance of obj

    , calling the constructor.

Now, since prototypes are javascript objects too, the difference can be minimal. However, Object.create

can handle constructors that may need arguments, rather new Object()


More info in this SO answer (e.g. differential inheritance, custom properties, etc.)


UPDATE after OP edit

My OOP Classy.js javascript framework has this polyfill around Object.create

for older browsers which might shed some light on your further question between the differences:

   Create = Obj.create || function( proto, properties ) {
        var Type = function () {}, TypeObject;
        Type[PROTO] = proto;
        TypeObject = new Type( );
        TypeObject[__PROTO__] = proto;
        if ( 'object' === typeOf(properties) ) defineProperties(TypeObject, properties);
        return TypeObject;


This polyfill can handle arbitrary constructors (with arguments) like Object.create

can and also make sure it's __proto__

assigned correctly. The pattern using Object(prototype)

is an attempt to (weakly) reference prototype




No, they are not like that:

Object (X) or new object (X) is similar to Object.create (X.prototype)


will create an object and run it Constructor

(i.e. the newly created object inherits from the constructor prototype). Object.create(X.prototype)

creates an object with an additional start Constructor


Object (X) or new object (X) does not match Object.create ()


creates an object without starting Constructor

(i.e. it will create an object that doesn't inherit anything)



The new object sets the parent element:

var parent = {name : 'proto'};
var child = new Object(parent);
console.log(child === parent);//=true
//if I set child.name it will change parent.name


Object create returns an instance of an object that uses the first argument as its prototype (the first prototype used in the prototype chain).

child = Object.create(parent);
console.log(child === parent);//=false
//I can set child.name because it will be shadowed
//  and will not change parent.name


More details about the prototype can be found here: fooobar.com/questions/2287 / ...



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