Fullpage.js with fixed elements between slides

Is it possible to have fixed elements (Text here) between only slides?

The only way I could achieve this was by placing the text element outside of the div slides.

<div class="section" id="section1">
        <div class="intro">
                <h1>URL get updated (#)</h1>
                    Easy to bookmark and share
        <div class="slide" id="slide1">


        <div class="slide" id="slide2">

            <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alvarotrigo/fullPage.js/master/examples/imgs/iphone-blue.png" alt="iphone" id="iphone-two" />



Not sure if this is correct, please correct me if I am wrong.

Here's my fiddle


source to share

1 answer

Yes, it is normal.

There is a bug in Chrome with fixed positioned elements and css3 property translate3d

, although it seems like it can be solved in use z-index

, as you can see
here .

.intro {
    position: fixed;
    -webkit-perspective: 1000;


In any case, I think it's better to go for your option. We don't know if Chrome will change its behavior in the future regarding this trick.



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