What is the difference between MQ and MQTT?

I am new to MQTT but what confuses me is the basic definition

MQTT is a lightweight, publish-by-subscription messaging protocol.

Based on my previous understanding of MQ (Message Queue), MQ and MQTT sound the same to me. Can anyone figure out what is the real difference between MQ and MQTT and their usage? Thank!!


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3 answers

MQTT is an open source protocol. Many vendors use this protocol for messaging.

MQ is a complex command that simply means messaging. There are many different protocols, AMQP is also one of them.

In addition, IBM had a product called MQ.



MQTT was originally called Message Queuing Telemetry Transport. You can find a detailed explanation of how it evolved here: http://www.hivemq.com/mqtt-essentials-part-1-introducing-mqtt/



MQTT is an OASIS standard protocol that is not only used for MQ messaging, but can also be used for ITS and M2M (machine to machine) Internet.

Here is a slide presentation that you might find helpful.



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