Input object as lazy loading

I have MVC code as shown below. I am using nInject for IoC. Interestingly, when I hit an execute request like SendMail , a controller object is created, nInject creates subobjects for both objects with readonly: _mailSrv and _dbSrv , but I only need one variable in this request.

Is it ok to inject a variable as lazy loading. When the code needs an object, will it be created?

public class HomeController:Controller
    private readonly IMailService _mailSrv;
    private readonly IDatabaseService _dbSrv;

    public HomeController:Controller(IMailService mailSrv, IDatabaseService dbSrv)
        _mailSrv = mailSrv;
        _dbSrv = dbSrv;

    public ActionResult SendMail(string mailAddress)

    public ActionResult SaveToDatabase(int id, string data)
        _dbSrv.Do(id, data);



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2 answers

Just tried it.

Add Ninject.Extensions.Factory to your project and change the member variables to Lazy .

public class HomeController : Controller
    private readonly Lazy<IMailService> _mailSrv;
    private readonly Lazy<IDatabaseService> _dbSrv;

    public HomeController(Lazy<IMailService> mailSrv, Lazy<IDatabaseService> dbSrv)
        _mailSrv = mailSrv;
        _dbSrv = dbSrv;

    public ActionResult SendMail(string mailAddress)

    public ActionResult SaveToDatabase(int id, string data)
        _dbSrv.Value.Do(id, data);            


Instances are now lazy.



Hmm, Not sure about ninject, but usually not, you will get object instances when you instantiate the controller.


Make two controllers (I suggest this)

Entering Objects, Not Objects

Personally, this is not for me, I think the IoC container should be your factory.

public ActionResult SendMail(string mailAddress)


Directly bind an object in a method, not inject

This is usually considered "bad" because you have to loop the IoC container around

public ActionResult SendMail(string mailAddress)


I think looking at it on a deeper level. Perhaps you can create a custom scope that actually wrapped the class in a factory in the same way that IoC containers can expose classes as monochromatic. I need to think about it though



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