Python - How to check function code generated with exec

I have a function that was created using exec()

inside another function and passed as an argument to the main program. How can I get the code of the specified function? I tried inspec.getsourcelines()

and inspec.getsource()

but I get the following error

IOError: could not get source code


Is there a way to get around this?

MWE main file:

from ext import makeF
import inspect



then the external file:

def makeF():
    script="def sayA():\n\tprint('Aah')"
    return sayA



source to share

2 answers

In python 3, the solution is an attribute __globals__

for functions.

In your example:

>>> f.__globals__['txt']
"def sayA():\n\tprint('Aah')"


Unfortunately I couldn't find anything similar to Python 2.

The reason the other methods fail to work is because they use the module file name and you don't have a file here.



It's impossible. I dug around and came to the same conclusion as in this answer .

I don't know your code, but I think that in your particular case, you could return a custom object containing the source code of the function (which you have, you pass it to exec) along with the actual compiled function. You could use Python's magic technique __call__

to better emulate the original behavior. Here's a sample:

class FunctionWithCode:
    def __init__(self, source, func_name):
        self.source = source
        self.func = locals()[func_name]

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.func(*args, **kwargs)

f = FunctionWithCode("def sayA():\n\tprint('Aah')", 'sayA')



which prints Aah as expected. You need to know the name of the function when creating the object, but this is the same for your sample code.



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