Parsing nested expression names with pirage

I'm trying to parse some data using pyparsing, which looks (more or less) like this:

User.Name = Dave
User.Age  = 42
Date      = 2015/01/01
Begin Component List
  Begin Component 2
    1 some data   = a value
    2 another key = 999
  End Component 2
  Begin Another Component
    a.key = 42
  End Another Component
End Component List
Begin MoreData
    Another = KeyPair
End MoreData


I found a few similar examples, but I have not worked very well.

parsing file with twisted puffs Parse line data up to keyword with pyparsing

Here is what I have so far, but I keep running into an error like: pyparsing.ParseException: Expected "End" (at char 26), (line:5, col:1)

from pyparsing import *

data = '''Begin A
End A

opener = Literal('Begin') + Word(alphas)
closer = Literal('End') + Word(alphas)
content = Combine(OneOrMore(~opener
                            + ~closer
                            + CharsNotIn('\n', exact=1)))
expr = nestedExpr(opener=opener, closer=closer, content=content)

parser = expr

res = parser.parseString(data)


It is important that the words "Begin" are captured, as these are dictionary names and also key-value pairs. If there is a number after opening, for example "Start Component 2" "2" is the number of pairs I don't need (presumably this is used by the original software?). Likewise, I don't need the numbers in the list ("1" and "2").

Is there a nestedExpr

correct approach to this?


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