Java - printing date (as strings) with javafx - printing current date

Here is the code from my patient class and the code JavaFx

to display it. However, every time I add a new object to the queue and update, the displayed time is the current time, not every single time ... `

public String getTime() {
    DateTime d = new DateTime();

    String s = null;
    s = d.toString();

    return s;

public void setTime(String time) {
    this.time = time;


I use jodatime

to convert the current datetime

to string

and then display that ...

private TableColumn<Patient, String> timeColumn;

timeColumn.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Patient, String>("time"));



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1 answer

change your getTime () to:

 public String getTime() {

    DateTime d = new DateTime();

    String s = null;
    s = d.toString();

    return s;



    public String getTime() {
    return this.time;


Since yours getTime()

keeps on giving currentTime and not the time you are storing using setTime()




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