Aligning numbers at decimal point angular ui grid

I am considering aligning numbers at the decimal point in the Angular UI grid as shown below.



I had a few ideas including a cell template with three aligned divs and the use of transparent 0s.

Anyone got lucky with this.


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1 answer

I think the best way is to select all the numbers using Javascript, then split them and encapsulate them in two span elements, like so:

    <span class="int">11.</span><span class="float">293</span>
    <span class="int">233424.</span><span class="float">89</span>


Then you can assign an element with elements and align .int to the right and .float to the left using css:

.int, .float{
    display: inline-block;
    width: 100px;
    text-align: right;
    text-align: left;


This way the selection is ok and the div and span don't break the meaning of your html5 code. Also, you are not using a fixed-width font.

Hope it works, if not please let me know.



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