Packaging Python code

I want to package a utility that I created that depends on Pillow, a port of the Python image library. Is there a way to include Pillow in my own package, or to automatically install Pillow when running the install script?


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1 answer

Python 3 mainly uses pip to install packages. This is based on setuptools customization and distribution. You have to create a script with the specified requirement. The easiest way is to create a requirements file using pip.

Command line:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

import setuptools
from pip.req import parse_requirements

requirements = [str(ir.req)
                for ir in parse_requirements("requirements.txt", session=uuid.uuid1())
                    if ir.req is not None]
setuptools.setup(..., install_requires=requirements)


If you want to create an executable file, then the process, if it looks like a standard file, is only suitable for using cx_freeze.



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