What does it mean when we use a variable in C ++ as a function with a default value as its parameter?

I was reading a line of C ++ code. I came across a strange line of code where a variable was being used as a function with 0 as its parameter!

template <class T> class Stack {
    T data[50];
    int nElements;
//This line is where the variable was used like a function!
    Stack() : nElements(0){}
    void push(T elemen);
    T pop();
    int tamanho();
    int isEmpty();


So what exactly does it mean when we have:   constructor: private variable (0) {}

This line of code was very strange to me! Thanks to


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3 answers

In the initializer_list of the constructor, the Stack

class member is nElements

initialized to null when each is created Stack


The meaning 0

here doesn't really matter, other than setting the initial cardinality for Stack

to zero as soon as it is created and empty.



This is called an initializer list



This is called an "initializer". It says to initialize the variable with the given value, and {} indicates that the constructor body is empty.



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