Robolectric onCreate with savedInstanceState, which contains ViewHierarchyState, FragmentManagerState

Using Robolectric, how can we test the Activity re-creation, which will simulate the case where Android re-creates the Activity in response to the back button (after the activity was destroyed by Android for RAM)?

On the device, the steps to reproduce this recreation of the Activity:

  • enable "Do not perform actions" in developer settings.
  • go to activity in your application.
  • use the notification bar to activate a "Settings" action or other action on top of your activity, which will wipe out your Android activity as a simulated in-memory pressure.
  • use the back button to reject the overlap operation (Settings)

As a result of the last step with the Back button, your activity receives an onCreate () with a nonzero saveInstanceState that contains information including a Bundle instance with key "android: viewHierarchyState" and, if fragments are used, a FragmentManagerState instance with key "android: support: fragments" ...

How can we simulate this in Robolectric? We're guessing we could do this with ActivityController.create (Bundle) if we can customize the bundle accordingly.



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1 answer

My couple got it! Use saveInstanceState () to ask Android to fill in the package you want:

    ActivityController<SearchActivity> controller = ActivityController.of(SearchActivity.class);
    Bundle outState = new Bundle();

    controller = ActivityController.of(SearchActivity.class).create(outState).start().visible();
    subject = controller.get();

    // the create(Bundle) method was just called with the complete view hierarchy and fragment information




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