What do class / object / level access modifiers mean?

In scala, I can add access modifiers to the class / trait / object like

private class Foo
protected[this] trait Foo


I haven't found any good explanation for these class / property / object modifiers. Do all such combinations make sense and what do they actually mean?


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1 answer

They mean the same as access modifiers for class / attribute members, since classes and traits can also be members of other classes. For example:

class A {
    private class Foo


The class Foo

is available only to the class A

. If I change the modifier to private[this]

then it is called private and therefore any Foo

is only accessible to it by the parent instance A


Ads private

, private[this]

, protected

or protected[this]

only really makes sense within another class or traits, because it has to be private. In this case, it Foo

is closed to A

. The same goes for traits.

We also cannot have an object-object and make it private.

package com.example.foo

private[foo] class Foo


The class Foo

is now only visible to other members of the package com.example.foo


Do they make sense? In some cases, I'm sure it's useful to have private classes and traits inside some other object.



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