Prevent a value from being entered if it is a prefix of another value

How can I prevent entering a value that is a prefix of another value in the same column? For example, if it MyTable.NumberPrefix

already contains abc

, then ab

it cannot be added.

My first attempt (below) was to use an indexed view. But a unique index cannot be created on a view that uses a derived table (and I can't figure out how to write a view without it).

create view MyTable
with schemabinding
  left(a.NumberPrefix, b.Length) as CommonPrefix
  dbo.MyTable a
  cross join
    select distinct
      len(NumberPrefix) as Length
  ) b

create unique clustered index MyIndex on MyTable (CommonPrefix) --ERROR


Some test data:

insert MyTable (NumberPrefix) values ('abc')  -- OK
insert MyTable (NumberPrefix) values ('ab')   -- Error
insert MyTable (NumberPrefix) values ('a')    -- Error
insert MyTable (NumberPrefix) values ('abd')  -- OK
insert MyTable (NumberPrefix) values ('abcd') -- Error



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1 answer

Use check constraint

with user defined function


create function fnPrefix(@prefix varchar(100))
returns bit
    if (select count(*) from MyTable 
        where MyColumn like @prefix + '%' or @prefix like MyColumn + '%') > 1
        return 0

    return 1


Then add a constraint:

alter table MyTable
add constraint  chkPrefix check(dbo.fnPrefix(MyColumn) = 1)




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