Override module in virtualenv with local directory

I am new to python and am facing a problem that I cannot get through. I have module A that depends on module B. Usually A loads B and stores it with the rest of the eggs in my virtual package sites. I now have a local version B that I want to use instead of this downloaded version B, but no matter what I seem to be doing, A is still using B in its site packages, not the one I specify in mine PYTHONPATH.

I know my local B is set up correctly because I can use it just fine if I add it to my PYTHONPATH and I am not using virtualenv.

If I open up ipython with local B added to PYTHONPATH, I can see that my sys.path shows the site-package version first and then the directory in my PYTHONPATH. If I do something hacky like reverses the order of the sys.path and tries to load B, it still uses B from site packages. The only way I have found this is to create a symbolic link from B in my package sites to my local B and delete all * .pyc files in my local B. There just has to be a better way to do this ... any help would be amazing. Thank!

I'm not sure if this will make a difference, but for reference, I am using the following versions of things:

  • virtualenv 12.1.1
  • python 2.7
  • modules A and B are internal libraries in my company.
  • Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS

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2 answers

If you are working on two related projects in which each depends on the other, you can simply remove the "remote" version and use pip install -e

it to install it from your local copy into editable mode .

This will allow your dependent project to see it and automatically see changes in the project upward without requiring any additional work.



Python will always look in your installation directory (site packages) for packages before looking in your current directory. If / When it finds a package in the installation directory, it stops looking.

You can explicitly link to your local copy if that's what you want to do.

from . import ModuleB
from .. import ModuleB




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