Save the image as a high-resolution or lossless image that can be scaled without pixelation

I have a large plot in MATLAB (4095 points total) and I want to export this figure as a high resolution image that can be enlarged, just as the original figure can be enlarged. Below I have attached two images: full size and the second one was exported separately by scaling the shape and then exporting. 1st image becomes pixelated (obviously) when I zoom in. So my question is whether it is possible to export the shape as an image (any format, but .fig) that can be enlarged for more detail. PNG ImageZoomed


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1 answer

You need to keep the shape using a vector format , for example pdf

, ps

or eps


For example: try

plot(sin(0:.001:2*pi)) %// example graph


The resulting figure:

enter image description here

Then print before pdf


print -dpdf example %// Or change -dpdf to -deps, -depsc, -dps, -dpsc


Now open the generated file example.pdf

. You can enlarge it and you won't see it pixelated. Here is an example of the top of a sine wave when scaled at 6400%.

enter image description here



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