Jackson field annotations that ignore all properties but those that are listed

Is there a Jackson annotation for fields and / or getters that ignore all properties of a field's value except those listed?

It will look like @JsonIgnoreProperties

when applied to a field, except that instead of including all but the listed properties, it will exclude everything but the listed properties.

for example if the annotation was named @JsonIncludeProperties


class A {
    final int a = 1;
    final int b = 1;
    ... // final int c = 1; through final int y = 1;
    final int z = 1;

class B {
    @JsonIncludeProperties({"m", "o"})
    A a1;
    A a2;


Will be serialized for:

    "a1": {
        "m": 1,
        "o": 1
    "a2": {
        "a": 1,
        "b": 1,
        ... // "c": 1, through "y": 1,
        "z": 1



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1 answer

You can use Jackson filters and custom annotation. Here's an example:

public class JacksonIncludeProperties {
    @interface JsonIncludeProperties {
        String[] value();

    @JsonIncludeProperties({"a", "b1"})
    static class Bean {
        public final String a = "a";
        public final String b = "b";
        public final String c =  "c";

    private static class IncludePropertiesFilter extends SimpleBeanPropertyFilter {

        protected boolean include(final PropertyWriter writer) {
            final JsonIncludeProperties includeProperties =
            if (includeProperties != null) {
                return Arrays.asList(includeProperties.value()).contains(writer.getName());
            return super.include(writer);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws JsonProcessingException {
        final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
        final SimpleFilterProvider filterProvider = new SimpleFilterProvider();
        filterProvider.addFilter("filter", new IncludePropertiesFilter());
        System.out.println(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(new Bean()));




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