Access scope inside angular js factory

I'm using an ionic framework and should be able to call the popup from multiple places in my code, so I thought I moved it to a factory. The popup is using an input field and I want to get its value. Usually I would just call $scope.parentGate.answer

, but since it's in a factory, I don't have access to the scope. Any ideas how I can get the value of the input field?

Here's my code:

angular.module('', [])
.factory('parentGate', function ($ionicPopup, Helpers) {
    return {
        Show: function(scope, SuccessCallback) {
            var first = Helpers.RandomNumber(1, 5) * 10;
            var second = Helpers.RandomNumber(11, 22);
            var title = 'What does ' + first + ' + ' + second + ' equal?'
            // An elaborate, custom popup
            return ${
                template: '<h4 class="text-center">' + title + '</h4><div class="list"><label class="item item-input"><input type="number" ng-model="parentGate.answer" placeholder="Answer..."></label></div>',
                title: "Parent Gate",
                //subTitle: title,
                scope: scope,
                buttons: [
                  { text: 'Cancel' },
                    text: 'Continue',
                    type: 'button-positive',
                    onTap: function(e) {

                      // I can't access $scope.parentGate.answer here.  
                      // How else can I do it?
                      if ($scope.parentGate.answer == first + second) { 

                      } else {



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1 answer

You can actually access the scope in the factory. The reason you can't is there is no such variable called $scope

in your function.

You seem to want to use a factory to open the dialog.

I think in your case you will pass the scope to you as a parameter when you try to call

angular.module("yourApp").controller("testController", function($scope, parentGate){$scope, callback);


And in your factory, when trying to change the value of a property in $ scope (onTap callback), you should use scope

, not $scope

onTap: function(e) {
    //if ($scope.parentGate.answer == first + second) { 
    if (scope.parentGate.answer == first + second) { 
     } else {


Here's a demo code.
This is why we want to change $ scope to scope in your onTap callback (Demo Closure)

Hope it works. :)



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