Diagnostics not working in Web Role for Azure SDK 2.5.1

I am working with Azure SDK 2.5.1, mainly on newly developed diagnostic material. However, I found that I cannot start it for my web role.

So I created a cloud services project, added a web role. Then I added one Trace message at the end Application_Start

in Global.asax.cs


Trace.TraceInformaction("Application_Start end.");


After that, I right clicked on the WebRole and opened the tab Properties

. In the diagnostic configuration window:

  • General . I choose 'Custom plan'

    also specifying the storage account, keeping 'Disk Quota in MB'

    the default'4096'

  • Application logs : 'Log level'

    go to 'All'

    , others are saved as default
  • Other tabs are in the default configuration settings.

After deploying the project to the cloud, I found some unexpected things:

  • There are no tables in the store WADLogsTable

    . Very strange, if I use the Worker role, it works as expected. So, in an internet role, I just can't find the trace log?
  • For the performance counters, since I'm using the default configuration with 8 counters, I can only see 8 in the table store WADPerformanceCountersTable

    . My guess is that over time there will be more and more values ​​of these 8 counters transferred to this table. But this did not happen, after a few hours there were still 8 counter values.

I just thought the diagnostics for the web role just crashed or not working at all. Meanwhile, I checked the logs located in "C:\Logs\Plugins\Microsoft.Azure.Diagnostics.PaaSDiagnostics\\DiagnosticsPlugin.log"

on the server, there is an exception at the end of this file, said that some diagnostic process has finished:

DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Error: 0 : [4/25/2015 5:38:21 AM] System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
   at Microsoft.Azure.Plugins.Diagnostics.dll.PluginConfigurationSettingsProvider.LoadWadXMLConfig(String fullConfig)
DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Error: 0 : [4/25/2015 5:38:21 AM] Failed to load configuration file
DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Information: 0 : [4/25/2015 5:38:21 AM] DiagnosticPlugin.exe exit with code -105


From MSDN, the code -105


Diagnostics plugin cannot open Diagnostics configuration file.

This is an internal error that should only happen if the Diagnostics plug-in is manually called incorrectly on the virtual machine.

It doesn't make sense, I haven't done anything for the virtual machine.

As I said above, I just made very minor changes to the scaffold code generated by Visual Studio 2013. Did I do something wrong or is this a bug for the Azure SDK 2.5?

By the way, it seems that everything is fine for a worker role.


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1 answer

Quoting from the MSDN forum :

Hi folks who are jumping here late but just wanted to confirm that there was a problem with the original diagnostic extension where the plugin could crash in the web role under certain circumstances.

The issue has since been resolved with If you reapply the extension for a role, you should automatically get the latest version that fixes the problem.

Early on, the diagnostics in SDK 2.5.1 has an internal problem inside, but Microsoft has already fixed it.

Anyway, we can use a newer version, so this is not a problem anymore, in case you also run into this problem.



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