Parsing json "meta" from Dribble api

I have json from Dribble api:

  "meta": {
    "X-RateLimit-Limit": 60,
    "X-RateLimit-Remaining": 59,
    "X-RateLimit-Reset": 1429948020,
    "Link": [
          "rel": "next"
          "rel": "prev"
    "status": 200
  "data": [


I can get most of what I need from the "data" in my "playerShots" object, you can only see the beginning from the end there, for example:

    $.each(, function (i, shot) {
        html.push('<div class="%id%imageFrame">');
        html.push('<img src="' + shot.images.teaser + '" alt="' + shot.title + '" data-url="' + shot.html_url + '" />');


But you need to "Link" from the "meta" object, and if so:



It shows me this with no signs of a "link".



So I cannot do this:



Please help .. how do I get these links ..? Preferably referring to "next" and "previous" so I know what I have.


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1 answer


var link = result.meta.Link;
var nextLink = link[0][0];
var prevLink = link[0][1];



returns the result of an array



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