How to use other API versions as build targets in Android project?


  • I am new to android development.
  • Using Eclipse Luna r24.1.2 and JDK 8
  • I cannot use Android Studio because it is lagging too far on my computer.


I cannot select a build target from the dropdown Compile With

that is higher than API version 8. However, I can select a minimum and target API that is larger than that.

Hence, I cannot start the project / select an action.

How can I overcome this? Do I need to download anything using the SDK manager?

Eclipse Window


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1 answer

Download API versions

You need to download the API versions you want to use through the SDK manager . After you do this, all downloaded versions will show up as options in the dropdown Compile With


Install via SDK Manager (Eclipse)

  • Window> Android SDK Manager
  • Check for additional API versions eg. Android 4.0 (API14)
  • Click install packages [x]
  • Restarting Eclipse

SDK Manager

These instructions are from the SDK Manager Guide . It also contains instructions for Android Studio and other operating systems ( Mac , Linux ).

I would personally recommend switching to using Android Studio , but that choice is up to you.



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