How to speed up Hibernate batching and avoid OutOfMemoryException


I have a Spring application that uses the Hibernate ORM to communicate with a database. I have this function which populates database tables named orders, order_line and cc_xacts. Below are the relationships between the tables:

--------            --------------
|orders|--- 1:m --->| order_line |
--------            --------------
   |                ------------
   -------- 1:m --->| cc_xacts |


Thus, the order has a one-to-many relationship with the cc_xacts and order_line objects.

public void populateOrdersAndCC_XACTSTable()
    GregorianCalendar cal;
    String[] credit_cards = {"VISA", "MASTERCARD", "DISCOVER", "AMEX",
            "DINERS" };
    int num_card_types = 5;
    String[] ship_types = {"AIR", "UPS", "FEDEX", "SHIP", "COURIER", "MAIL" };
    int num_ship_types = 6;

    String[] status_types = {"PROCESSING", "SHIPPED", "PENDING", "DENIED" };
    int num_status_types = 4;

    // Order variables
    int O_C_ID;
    java.sql.Timestamp O_DATE;
    double O_SUB_TOTAL;
    double O_TAX;
    double O_TOTAL;
    String O_SHIP_TYPE;
    java.sql.Timestamp O_SHIP_DATE;
    String O_STATUS;

    String CX_TYPE;
    int CX_NUM;
    String CX_NAME;
    java.sql.Date CX_EXPIRY;
    String CX_AUTH_ID;
    int CX_CO_ID;

    System.out.println( "Populating ORDERS, ORDER_LINES, CC_XACTS with "
            + NUM_ORDERS + " orders" );

    System.out.print( "Complete (in 10,000's): " );

    for ( int i = 1; i <= NUM_ORDERS; i++ )
        if ( i % 10000 == 0 )
            System.out.print( i / 10000 + " " );

        int num_items = getRandomInt( 1, 5 );
        O_C_ID = getRandomInt( 1, NUM_CUSTOMERS );
        cal = new GregorianCalendar();
        cal.add( Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -1 * getRandomInt( 1, 60 ) );
        O_DATE = new java.sql.Timestamp( cal.getTime().getTime() );
        O_SUB_TOTAL = (double) getRandomInt( 1000, 999999 ) / 100;
        O_TAX = O_SUB_TOTAL * 0.0825;
        O_TOTAL = O_SUB_TOTAL + O_TAX + 3.00 + num_items;
        O_SHIP_TYPE = ship_types[getRandomInt( 0, num_ship_types - 1 )];
        cal.add( Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, getRandomInt( 0, 7 ) );
        O_SHIP_DATE = new java.sql.Timestamp( cal.getTime().getTime() );

        O_BILL_ADDR_ID = getRandomInt( 1, 2 * NUM_CUSTOMERS );
        O_SHIP_ADDR_ID = getRandomInt( 1, 2 * NUM_CUSTOMERS );
        O_STATUS = status_types[getRandomInt( 0, num_status_types - 1 )];

        Orders order = new Orders();

        // Set parameter
        order.setCustomer( customerDao.findById( O_C_ID ) );
        order.setODate( new Date( O_DATE.getTime() ) );
        order.setOSubTotal( O_SUB_TOTAL );
        order.setOTax( O_TAX );
        order.setOTotal( O_TOTAL );
        order.setOShipType( O_SHIP_TYPE );
        order.setOShipDate( O_SHIP_DATE );
        order.setAddressByOBillAddrId( addressDao.findById( O_BILL_ADDR_ID ) );
        order.setAddressByOShipAddrId( addressDao.findById( O_SHIP_ADDR_ID ) );
        order.setOStatus( O_STATUS );
        order.setCcXactses( new HashSet<ICcXacts>() );
        order.setOrderLines( new HashSet<IOrderLine>() );
        ordersDao.shrani( order );

        for ( int j = 1; j <= num_items; j++ )
            int OL_ID = j;
            int OL_O_ID = i;
            int OL_I_ID = getRandomInt( 1, NUM_ITEMS );
            int OL_QTY = getRandomInt( 1, 300 );
            double OL_DISCOUNT = (double) getRandomInt( 0, 30 ) / 100;
            String OL_COMMENTS = getRandomAString( 20, 100 );

            OrderLine orderLine = new OrderLine();
            orderLine.setItem( itemDao.findById( OL_I_ID ) );
            orderLine.setOlQty( OL_QTY );
            orderLine.setOlDiscount( OL_DISCOUNT );
            orderLine.setOlComment( OL_COMMENTS );
            orderLine.setOrders( order );

            orderLineDao.shrani( orderLine );
            order.getOrderLines().add( orderLine );


        CX_TYPE = credit_cards[getRandomInt( 0, num_card_types - 1 )];
        CX_NUM = getRandomNString( 16 );
        CX_NAME = getRandomAString( 14, 30 );
        cal = new GregorianCalendar();
        cal.add( Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, getRandomInt( 10, 730 ) );
        CX_EXPIRY = new java.sql.Date( cal.getTime().getTime() );
        CX_AUTH_ID = getRandomAString( 15 );
        CX_CO_ID = getRandomInt( 1, 92 );

        CcXacts ccXacts = new CcXacts();

        ccXacts.setCountry( countryDao.findById( CX_CO_ID ) );
        ccXacts.setOrders( order );
        ccXacts.setCxType( CX_TYPE );
        ccXacts.setCxNum( CX_NUM );
        ccXacts.setCxName( CX_NAME );
        ccXacts.setCxExpiry( CX_EXPIRY );
        ccXacts.setCxAuthId( CX_AUTH_ID );
        ccXacts.setCxXactAmt( O_TOTAL );
        ccXacts.setCxXactDate( O_SHIP_DATE );

        ccXacts.setCountry( countryDao.findById( CX_CO_ID ) );

        order.getCcXactses().add( ccXacts );

        ccXactsDao.shrani( ccXacts );


    System.out.println( "" );



The problem arises when I want to fill about 250,000 orders in the essence of orders, because doing it as if I am doing it now is very slow. It takes many hours to populate the database with so many orders. Sometimes I also run out of Java Heap size and throw OutOfMemoryException.

Do you have any suggestions how I can speed this up and may not end up with Java heap size?


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3 answers

  • You need to enable Hibernate batch support , so you need to set the following Hibernate properties:

    properties.put("hibernate.jdbc.batch_size", "50");
    properties.put("hibernate.order_inserts", "true");
    properties.put("hibernate.order_updates", "true");
    properties.put("hibernate.jdbc.batch_versioned_data", "true");

  • To avoid the OutOfMemoryError, you need to clear the current session whenever the package is ready to be painted:

    doInTransaction(session -> {
        int batchSize = batchSize();
        for(int i = 0; i < itemsCount(); i++) {
            //batch insert logic
            if(i % batchSize == 0 && i > 0) {

  • Try to keep the entity map so you don't have to fetch all of these objects at every step:

    customerDao.findById( O_C_ID );
    countryDao.findById( CX_CO_ID );

    You can either get them at the beginning of the batch process , or at least cache the result in a local map. Each select starts the current cleanup session (if you are using automatic flush), which reduces batch performance.



Use batches, for example. here . flush / commit partial results eg. do every 1000 inserts to reduce the saved rollback data.



Several times, if you log the hibernation information and also print it to the console, you might cause a slow fetch from hibernate. You can turn off print log on the console



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