How to use regex in sahi script?

I am using sahi to automate the website, when I record the actions from the sahi recorder then it records the button click action (actually "span") as _click(_span("Done[4]"));

, but when I play the recorded script then it fails on that line as not found "Done [4]".
To solve this I just tried Regular Expression to click on _span("Done[4]")

, but no luck.
<br / "> HTML source structure: (this is displayed in the [ui-dialog, ui-widget] popup)

<div class="dashboardDlgButtonPanel">
<div id="addWidgetDone_wrapper" class="input_button  ">
    <div id="addWidgetDone" class="form_input_button">
        <div class="buttonwrapper">
            <a style="width: 49px; height: 41px; display: block;" id="addWidgetDone_Link" class="PrimaryButton" href="#" s1ignore="true" data-role="button" title="">
<div id="addWidgetCancel_wrapper" class="input_button  tertiaryButton">
    <div id="addWidgetCancel">
        <div class="buttonwrapper">
            <a id="addWidgetCancel_Link" class="link" href="#" s1ignore="true" title="">Cancel</a>


I've tried the following after it:

_click(_span(new Reg Exp("Done\\[[0-9]\\]")));


and many more other combinations, but none of them work.

Link link: sahi-link-1 , sahi-link- 2

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

Note: In the recorded action "Done [4]", the numeric part changes each time.


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2 answers

Try to use

_click(_span(Done[0], _in(_link("addWidgetDone_Link"))));



_click(_span(0, _in(_link("addWidgetDone_Link"))));




If the element was not found, the name is no longer correct, due to a structure change in your DOM, or the element is not actually theirs, which is what you should check first.

Try using:

// this means it will click on the fifth made -span element in your DOM

_click (_span ("/ Done / [4]"));

As for structure changes, try:

for(var $i = 0; $i<99; $i++){
    var $I = JSON.stringify($i);
    if (_isVisible(_span("Done["+$I+"]"))){




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