Histogram of grayscale values ​​in numpy image

I have loaded an image into a numpy array and want to plot its color values ​​in a histogram.

import numpy as np

from skimage import io
from skimage import color

img = io.imread('img.jpg')
img = color.rgb2gray(img)

unq = np.unique(img)
unq = np.sort(unq)


When we check the value unq

, we will see something like

array([  5.65490196e-04,   8.33333333e-04,   1.13098039e-03, ...,
         7.07550980e-01,   7.09225490e-01,   7.10073725e-01])


which still has too many values ​​for matplotlib

, so my idea was to iterate over unq

and remove every value that only deviates x

from its predecessor.

dels = []

for i in range(1, len(unq)):
    if abs(unq[i]-unq[i-1]) < 0.0003:

unq = np.delete(unq, dels)


While this method works, it is very inefficient as it does not use optimized versions of numpy.

Is there a numpy function for me?

Just noticed that my algorithm is losing information on how often the color occurs. Let me try to fix this.


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1 answer

If you just want to compute the histogram, you can use np.histogram


bin_counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(img, bins, ...)


This bins

can be either the number of bins or a vector defining the top and bottom edges of the edges.

If you want to plot a histogram, the simplest way would be to use plt.hist


bin_counts, bin_edges, patches = plt.hist(img.ravel(), bins, ...)


Note that I used img.ravel()

to flatten the image array before calculating the histogram. If you pass a 2D array to plt.hist()

, it will treat each row as a separate data series, which is not needed here.



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