"SQL command did not complete correctly" when using a subquery

The following query works for me:

    a.column_value as artigo 
    encomenda e, table(e.artigos) a 
    e.id = 2;


This query returns the following output (one string of type menu_t

and another of type bebida_menu_t

). Note that this is not a simple text, but an object of a specific type for itself, since this is an object-relational database.

Output of working query

From this result, I only want to extract rows menu_t

. So, I tried the following query:

select * 
from (select 
          a.column_value as artigo 
          encomenda e, table(e.artigos) a 
      where e.id = 2) as subquery 
    subquery.artigo is of (menu_t); 


Which gives me the error

  1. 00000 - "SQL command not executed properly"

and I don't understand why.


The problem seems to be with the keyword as

. So it should be:

select * 
from (select 
          a.column_value as artigo 
          encomenda e, table(e.artigos) a 
      where e.id = 2) subquery --removed the 'as' here
    value(subquery.artigo) is of (menu_t); --added value() because they were inconsistent types


However, I am now getting an error that subquery.artigo

is an invalid identifier.

  1. 00000 - "% s: Invalid ID"

source to share

2 answers

So, to fix the first issue, as I said in the update, in Oracle we shouldn't use the as

alias keyword . Thus, the request will look like this:

select * 
from (select 
          a.column_value artigo 
          encomenda e, table(e.artigos) a 
      where e.id = 2) subquery 
    subquery.artigo is of (menu_t); 


But after that I came up with another error as described in the update. What happened was what I was trying to use is of

in REF

and it warned me that it was an invalid id but took me for a while and many are trying to figure out the correct query. So I needed to use deref()

on a column art.column_value


After all, I don't even need a nested subquery. Final request:

select value(e).id id, art.column_value artigo 
from encomenda e, table(e.artigos) art 
where e.id = 2 and 
deref(art.column_value) is of (menu_t);




You need to change:

where subquery.artigo is of (menu_t);



where subquery.artigo LIKE '%MENU_T';




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