The "RMagick" requirement has been deprecated. Use "rmagick" instead. Factorygirl

When I create an object via FactoryGirl and Faker the shell shows me an error

[1] pry(main)> FactoryGirl.create(:company)
[DEPRECATION] requiring "RMagick" is deprecated. Use "rmagick" instead


but when i create an object in db development it is ok

there is a factory

  factory :company do
    image Faker::Avatar.image("my-own-slug", "200x200")


how to fix?


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6 answers

This is definitely a CarrierWave charge when the execution is on your line image Faker::Avatar.image("my-own-slug", "200x200")


There is a problem on CarrierWave that closes and the fix is ​​merged. Either you include github commit in your GemFile, or you are waiting for the next gem release.



First, most people will want to include rmagick in their package like this:

gem 'rmagick', require: false


Secondly, rmagick 2.15.0 has just been released. (Find your version with bundle list

.) Update gem to version 2.15.0 with bundle update


At this point, you can still get the error as a pull request to remove it on github , but not merged yet.



It's very late, but it might help someone:

gem 'carrierwave', :github => 'satoruk/carrierwave' , :ref => '43179f94d6a4e62f69e812f5082d6447c9138480'
gem 'rmagick', require: false


This should give you the rmagick fix version. I don't know why they don't merge it with the master.

Hope it helps.



If you write the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'rmagick', :require => 'RMagick'


try rewriting like this:

gem 'rmagick'



Just upgrade the gem with the bearer and he should do it.

bundle update carrierwave




If you are using the Carrierwave gem, you had to try downgrading to 0.7.0, add "carrierwave", "0.7.0" to your gemfile, and then run "bundle update carrierwave" in the console



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