Laravel 5 Commands - Execute one by one

I have CustomCommand_1

and CustomCommand_2


How do I create a pipeline of commands and execute CustomCommand_2

immediately after execution CustomCommand_1

? (without calling a command inside another).


source to share

3 answers

I couldn't find a way to do this, so I came up with a workaround (tested on laravel sync


First you have to create / edit a basic command:

namespace App\Commands;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\DispatchesCommands;

abstract class Command {
    use DispatchesCommands;
     * @var Command[]
    protected $commands = [];

     * @param Command|Command[] $command
    public function addNextCommand($command) {
        if (is_array($command)) {
            foreach ($command as $item) {
                $this->commands[] = $item;
        } else {
            $this->commands[] = $command;

    public function handlingCommandFinished() {
        if (!$this->commands)
        $command = array_shift($this->commands);


Each command should call $this->handlingCommandFinished();

when they complete execution.

With this you can link your commands:

$command = new FirstCommand();
$command->addNextCommand(new SecondCommand());
$command->addNextCommand(new ThirdCommand());



Instead of being called handlingCommandFinished

in each command, you can use a command pipeline!

In App\Providers\BusServiceProvider::boot




Add create App\Commands\Pipeline\ChainCommands


class ChainCommands {
    public function handle(Command $command, $next) {
        $result = $next($command);
        return $result;




You can use a callback to decide when something will or won't work using when () or skip ():

    ->skip(function(TypeHintedDeciderClass $decider)
        return $decider->isHoliday();


Submitted by: Event Scheduling and Commands and Handlers

You can also read how to add commands to the queue here . See if this helps.



What's stopping you from doing the following?

$this->dispatch(new CustomCommand_1);
$this->dispatch(new CustomCommand_2);
// And so on




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