Difference Relationships in MongoEngine Embedded Documents
I have a schema using MongoEngine that looks like
class User(db.Document)
email = db.EmailField(unique=True)
class QueueElement(db.EmbeddedDocument):
accepts = db.ListField(db.ReferenceField('Resource'))
user = db.ReferenceField(User)
class Resource(db.Document):
name = db.StringField(max_length=255, required=True)
current_queue_element = db.EmbeddedDocumentField('QueueElement')
class Queue(db.EmbeddedDocument):
name = db.StringField(max_length=255, required=True)
resources = db.ListField(db.ReferenceField(Resource))
queue_elements = db.ListField(db.EmbeddedDocumentField('QueueElement'))
class Room(db.Document):
name = db.StringField(max_length=255, required=True)
queues = db.ListField(db.EmbeddedDocumentField('Queue'))
and I would like to return a JSON object of a Room object that will include information about its queues (along with referenced resources) and nested queue_elements (along with references to "accepted" references and user references)
However, when I want to return the number with my relationship dereferenced:
room = Room.objects(slug=slug).select_related()
if (room):
return ast.literal_eval(room.to_json())
I am not getting dereference. I get:
although I am using select_related () function. I believe this is because MongoEngine may not follow inline document links. Note, I can actually dereference python if I do something like this:
room = Room.objects(slug=slug).first().queues[0].queue_elements[0].accepts[0] return ast.literal_eval(room.to_json())
what gives
which is clearly a dereferenced resource document.
Is there a way to track links to inline documents? Or is it because I am following a bad schema and have to find another way to store this information in MongoDB (or, indeed, go to a relational DB)? Thank!
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