UnicodeDecodeError in pandas frame generated from JSON file

I have a piece of code running on an iPython notebook that loads a JSON file and then parses the content into Pandas DF. However, if I try to check the DF, I get an encoding error.

output = r.json()
columns_map = {'/people/person/date_of_birth': 'birth_date',
              '/people/person/place_of_birth': 'birth_place',
              '/people/person/gender': 'gender'}
dF = pd.DataFrame(output['result'])
dF.rename(columns=columns_map, inplace=True)


I can create CSV from DF without any problem, but if I type



To check dF inside iPython notebook I get this:

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 1894: ordinal not in range(128)


Does anyone help?


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1 answer

After some research, I found this to be a problem with Python version <3.0. For some strange reason, a quick solution is to import sys and relaod sys. This worked for me:

import sys    




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