Emacs mode / method for placing boolean symbol in text?

I would like to put the actual boolean characters in my emacs buffers, for example the boolean character "∀" or "∃" or "⇒", directly into my (main) text or .org or any other buffer. I found xmsi-math-symbols-input.el in ErgoEmacs , but I wonder if this is "best practice". Maybe the best practice is to just copy Tex / Latex, especially if I'm doing org-mode?


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3 answers

You can simply use the appropriate Unicode characters in Emacs. Bind whatever you want to whatever keys you want. For example:

(global-set-key [f2] "∀")
(global-set-key [f3] "∃")
(global-set-key [f4] "⇒")


To get a string using char, you can use C-x 8 RET

and type the name or Unicode code point char. In other words, C-x 8 RET

it allows any Unicode character to be inserted.

For example, the Unicode code point for

is 2200. C-x 8 RET 2200 RET

inserts a character


And the Unicode name


. C-x 8 RET for all RET

also inserts a symbol


The reason why you might want to bind a specific character to a key is convenient - it C-x 8 RET

is very general and usually slow.



At least in org mode it is possible to place special characters in the .org buffer just like their raw latex markup, for example:



becomes UTF-8


when you do Cc Cx \

... but this is not a general solution.



The way I do it is with an input method TeX

. That is, use C-u C-\ TeX RET

then the input \forall

inserts the


[Well actually, I have it TeX

set as my default coding system, so I really need to click C-\

to enable this input method. ]



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