How to install and use openEHR libraries with maven

I need to use these libraries with netbeans and the installation guide says:


Java 1.6 or higher
Maven 3.0.4 or higher



java-libs/mvn clean install


I am Java compliant and my NetBeans is bundled with Maven 3.0.5, but I cannot find a way to install and use the libraries in a Java project, can anyone help me?


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1 answer

These instructions are for installing the java-libs artifact into your local maven artifact repository, so your project can be referenced by your project.


  • Actually you first need to clone the java-libs repo to your machine.
  • Then run mvn clean install

    inside the new directory created by the cloned repo.


After installing the artifact, you can use it in your project by adding a dependency to the project pom.xml file:



How can I find out the parameters above? Looking file java-libs' the pom.xml .

EDIT: As @Jack pointed out, one needs to reference the specific library needed as a dependency, e.g .:





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