
YII2 add colspan on gridview header

How to add colspan

to header in gridview?

Usually the title looks like this:

<table class="table">


enter image description here

I want to make it look like ...

<table class="table">
              <th rowspan=2>Header1</th>
              <th rowspan=2>Header2</th>
              <th rowspan=2>Header3</th>
              <th rowspan=2>Header4</th>
                <th colspan=3>Header A</th>
                <th colspan=3>Header B</th>



enter image description here


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2 answers

This is not possible without extending and rewriting the grid view widget. Have a look at Kartik GridView . If you look at the demo , you can see that it has the required functionality.



To add colspan

to the table header, you have to insert an attribute colspan

on the headerOptions


'headerOptions' => [
    'colspan' => '2',


For the next column, you must hide the header:

'headerOptions' => [
    'style' => 'display: none;',




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