How to AutoLayout buttons in uiview controller in iphone?

I have a size of 4 inches and I added 4 icons on 3 different lines, all equal in size 60x60. I can have correct representation in iphone 4s, 5,5s, but not in iphone 6 and 6 plus. So how can I apply auto layout to it and make the icons bigger and the same in iphone 6 and 6 plus. Can this be done without any coding?

Like this enter image description here

These buttons need to resize on iphone 6 and 6 plus ie to make it bigger and properly aligned. Is it possible without coding?


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1 answer

simple example:

  • drag the button from the object library to the viewcontroller in the storyboard
  • ctrl drag from your button to your view (drag left or right) and select the center vertically in the container
  • ctrl drag from your button to your view (drag up or down) and select the center horizontally in the container
  • ctrl drag From button to button (yes, same button) and select aspect ratio
  • in the sizing inspector check the button proportion limit to have a 1: 1 multiplier
  • ctrl drag from your button to your view (drag left or right) and select equal widths
  • in the size inspector check the width limit of the button for a 1: 3 multiplier (or whatever you like - 1: 3 means the button width is one third of the view width)

which it should be. good luck! :)



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