How to override an indirectly called method

I'm not really sure how to properly capitalize this question, I'll just try to describe it as clear as possible:

Interface InterfaceB {
  void methodB();

Class ClassB implements InterfaceB {
  void methodB() {

Class ClassA {
  InterfaceB methodA() {
    return new ClassB();


Class MyClass {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ClassA a = new ClassA();
    InterfaceB b = a.methodA();
    b.methodB();  // override this guy


I want to override methodB without changing ClassA and ClassB. Appreciate any ideas.


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3 answers

This is what you can do:

ClassA a = new ClassA() {//extend class A

 InterfaceB methodA() {//Override methodA
    return new ClassB() {//extend class B
       void methodB() {//Override methodB


You have a method overB without changing either class A or class B. That being said, you don't really need to extend with ClassA. You can create factory

, pass it to class A as a dependency and pass a parameter methodA

specifying which specific implementation classB

to use to callmethodB



Because methodA

of ClassA

always returns an instance ClassB

, if you want to override ClassB


, you need to expand the ClassA and ClassB and override methodA

and methodB


class ClassSubB extends ClassB {
  void methodB() {

class ClassSubA extends ClassA {
  InterfaceB methodA() {
    return new ClassSubB();



class MyClass {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ClassA a = new ClassSubA(); // create an instance of ClassSubA
    InterfaceB b = a.methodA(); // will return an instance of ClassSubB
    b.methodB();  // will call methodB of ClassSubB




Interface InterfaceB {
  void methodB();

Class ClassB implements InterfaceB {
  void methodB() {

class ClassSubClassB extends ClassB {
void methodB() {

Class ClassA {

  InterfaceB methodA(boolean overriddenMethod) {
    return new ClassSubClassB();
    return new ClassB();
Class MyClass {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ClassA a = new ClassA();
    InterfaceB b = a.methodA(true);
    b.methodB();  // override this guy


This will work without overriding class A. Ideally you should create a factory class where you delegate the job of creating the object. This way, you will create the required instances based on certain conditions.



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