Does ajaxify work locally?

Does Ajaxify only work live? That is, it doesn't work locally? I'm working on a local site, has a basic implementation and haven't changed anything.


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2 answers

Yes, Ajaxify can work locally as well. It's just a jQuery based library.

Please check all these points in your code:

  • You need to replace the urls from where you are sending the request.
  • You need to check if you have internet access (not sure, but maybe it uses any external library as well).
  • You need to add the jQuery library higher than this library.

Learn more about Ajaxify .



Thank. All these points are covered, but still don't disappear ... Using animation at the same time, but ideally need Ajaxify because animisition does not save the current page, only animations to the next ... One thing is what do you mean by " replace urls "? Many thanks for the help.



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