Finding the last created FILE in a directory, C ++

Despite what I have searched, there are no problems on the Internet like mine. my problem is I want to get the name of the last file created in the directory. My system will create the / .png files coming from my camera into the directory of this code and I want my code to be generated last. I want to do it with this code,

string processName()
   // FILETIME Date = { 0, 0 };
   // FILETIME curDate;
   long long int curDate = 0x0000000000000000;
   long long int date    = 0x0000000000000000;
   //CONST FILETIME date={0,0};
   //CONST FILETIME curDate={0,0};
   string name;
   CFileFind finder;
   FILETIME* ft; 

   BOOL bWorking = finder.FindFile("*.png");
   while (bWorking)

      bWorking = finder.FindNextFile();

      date = finder.GetCreationTime(ft) ;

      //ftd.dwLowDateTime  = (DWORD) (date & 0xFFFFFFFF );
      //ftd.dwHighDateTime = (DWORD) (date >> 32 );

      if ( CompareFileTime(date, curDate))
          curDate = date;
          name = (LPCTSTR) finder.GetFileName();

   return name;


I did not use additional libraries, I used the following one as seen in the link:

In this code, I tried to give initial values ​​to 64 bit FILETIME variables and compare them with this while loop. However, I am getting the following errors.

1   IntelliSense: argument of type "long long" is incompatible with parameter of type "const FILETIME *"        44  25  
2   IntelliSense: argument of type "long long" is incompatible with parameter of type "const FILETIME *"        44  31  


The getCreationTime method takes one parameter as

Parameters: pTimeStamp: Pointer to a FILETIME structure containing the creation time of the file.

refTime: a reference to a CTime object.


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1 answer

I think I have fixed your code. It was necessary to change some types, etc .:

string processName()
    FILETIME bestDate = { 0, 0 };
    FILETIME curDate;
    string name;
    CFileFind finder;

    while (finder.FindNextFile())

        if (CompareFileTime(&curDate, &bestDate) > 0)
            bestDate = curDate;
            name = finder.GetFileName().GetString();
    return name;




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