Why doesn't the emulator window close in Android Studio 1.1.0 when I select "Stop from Run"?

Not only does it fail to close the emulator window, but it also cannot click something in the emulator window to close it itself. (The Windows title bar is off and I cannot drag the window.)

So I need to use the Windows 7 Task Manager, where I usually get a Windows message that says "emulator stops working ... looking for a solution" and no solution was found.

I used Android Device Manager to change the launch size setting as opposed to auto-tuning, finally giving it a try 10dp on device = 1 px on sctreen

and the emulator size is still the same - the window title bar is off.

Is that so?


Whenever ANY emulator starts, AS 1.1.0 and emulator and Java take OVER 3 GIGAbytes of physical memory (the emulator itself is almost 2 GB), leaving ZERO MB free. (I have 8 GB of RAM.)

Is this part of the problem?

EDIT # 2 -

Here's the feed for the Nexus One

Name: Nexus_One_Edited_1_API_21

CPU/ABI: Google APIs Intel Atom (x86)

Path: C:\Users\Dov\.android\avd\Nexus_One_Edited_1_API_21.avd

Target: Google APIs (API level 21)

Skin: nexus_one

SD Card: 100M

Snapshot: no

hw.lcd.density: 240

hw.dPad: no

avd.ini.encoding: UTF-8

hw.camera.back: none

disk.dataPartition.size: 200M

hw.gpu.enabled: yes

runtime.network.latency: none

skin.dynamic: no

hw.keyboard: yes

runtime.network.speed: full

hw.device.hash2: MD5:7c7cc73cfc403e08db67d4e460077256

hw.ramSize: 512

tag.id: google_apis

tag.display: Google APIs

hw.sdCard: yes

hw.device.manufacturer: User

hw.mainKeys: yes

hw.accelerometer: yes

hw.trackBall: yes

hw.device.name: Nexus One (Edited) 1

hw.sensors.proximity: yes

hw.battery: yes

AvdId: Nexus_One_Edited_1_API_21

hw.sensors.orientation: no

hw.audioInput: yes

hw.camera.front: none

hw.gps: yes

avd.ini.displayname: Nexus One (Edited) 1 API 21

snapshot.present: no

vm.heapSize: 32

runtime.scalefactor: auto


This is where I see as soon as I change the resolution. Note that an "X" window is displayed to close the window, but an error prevents it from being clicked. I accepted the Debug option, so the C ++ debugger opened, but the click on the "X" window to close the emulator was ignored. After closing the C ++ debugger, the emulator window was still showing, but pressing the "X" button was ignored.



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2 answers

You can right click the emulator in the taskbar and close. It still gives you the error, but it's easier than Task Manager or Window Resolution.

If it makes you feel better, I have the same problem.



Refer the link here

The option I used was to go to "Tools -> Android -> SDK Manager -> Stop". There is no need to change the screen resolution for this.



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