How to copy a card to another card

I have two cards

Map<String, List<String>> map = new HashMap<>();
Map<Integer, List<String>> newMap = new TreeMap<>();


in map

my key is the age of the user. I want to group them by age and copy to newMap

. For example: all ages between ages 10 and 1 group (and to copy all values ​​into one list), and all ages over 10 and under 20 to another, etc. here is what i tried to do

for (int m = 10; m <= 80; m += 10) {                            
    for (String key : map.keySet()) {
        List<String> value = new ArrayList<>();
        int age = Integer.parseInt(key);
        if (age <= m) {                     
            if ((value = newMap.get(m)) != null) {
                newMap.put(m, value);                           
            } else {
                newMap.put(m, value);

        } else continue;            


But I have age as key and zero as values [10 = null; 30 = null 20 = null; ]


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2 answers

Why not just go over it entrySet()


for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : map.entrySet()) {
    // Since integer division is used, we'll lose the "ones" digit
    Integer newKey = Integer.parseInt(entry.getKey()) / 10 * 10;

    List<String> value = newMap.get(newKey) {
    if (value == null) {
        value = new LinkedList<>();
        newMap.put(newKey, value);




I think Mureinik is better, but give something more similar to what you originally wrote:

for (int m = 10; m <= 80; m += 10) {
    List<String> value = new ArrayList<>();

    for (String key : map.keySet()) {
        int age = Integer.parseInt(key);

        if (age < m && age >= m - 9) {

    newMap.put(m, value);




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