Difference between marker label and featureLayer file

I realized that I could use a generic sheet layer

and a more advanced map drawer featureLayer

that provides useful functions as a filter. However, I don't understand the difference between

marker = L.Marker (new L.LatLng(lat, lng), 
            icon: L.mapbox.marker.icon(
                                {'marker-color': 'fc4353'
                                 'marker-size': 'large'
            title: name,



     var poijson =  {
            "type": "Feature",
            "geometry": {
              "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [lng, lat]
            "properties": {
              "title": poi.name,
              "marker-color": "#fc4353",
              "marker-size": "large"


It is the same?


Also, if I had a lot of markers, should I add a new layer for each marker? It doesn't seem to be good for performance. For example, if I:

 var pois; //loaded with pois info
 var geojson=[]; //will contain geojson data
 for (p=0; p< pois.length; p++)
         var poi = pois[p];
         var poijson =  
            "type": "Feature",
              "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [poi.lng, poi.lat]


Will there be many layers for each poi

or just one layer with all markers?

Thank you


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1 answer

When you add a marker to the leaflet via map map.addLayer(marker);

, the marker is added to the sheet creator panel. Markers are simple images / icons.

You can use a geoJSON layer to draw GIS functions: points, lines, polygons, etc. See here: http://leafletjs.com/examples/geojson.html

Mapbox featureLayers is just an extension to the Leaflet geoJSONLayer

Call addMarker

multiple times to add multiple markers . The flyer will create a new layer for each of the markers. Each marker will be added as an image element in the div leaflet-marker-pane

: http://bl.ocks.org/d3noob/9150014

Updated answer:

If you add a GeoJSON layer with multiple features, Leaflet will create a separate layer for each feature. You can check the map layers by calling map._layers

GeoJSON after adding the layer.


and map.addLayer(marker)

do the same. Here's a function addTo

taken from source

addTo: function (map) {
    return this;




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