Calculator problems

I'm working on a VERY simple calculator with Java and doesn't seem to give an answer after selecting an operation. The code looks like this:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Calc {
public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner (;
    Double fnum;
    Double snum; 
    Double answer;
    String operation; 
    System.out.println("Enter a number.");
    fnum = keyboard.nextDouble();
    System.out.println("Enter another number.");
    snum = keyboard.nextDouble();
    System.out.println("What operation do you wish for? [Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction, Division]");
    operation =; 
    if (operation == "Multiplication" || operation == "multiplication" || operation == "*") { 
        answer = fnum * snum;
        System.out.print("Your answer is: " + answer);

    else if (operation == "Division" || operation == "division" || operation == "/") { 
        answer = fnum / snum;
        System.out.print("Your answer is: " + answer);

    else if (operation == "Addition" || operation == "addition" || operation == "+" || operation == "add") { 
        answer = fnum + snum;
        System.out.print("Your answer is: " + answer);

    else if (operation == "Subtraction" || operation == "subraction" || operation == "-" || operation == "subtract"){ 
        answer = fnum - snum;
        System.out.print("Your answer is: " + answer);

      else {
        System.out.println("This is not valid.");




and this is the result:

Enter a number.
Enter another number.
What operation do you wish for? [Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction, Division]
This is not valid.


Any help would be much appreciated. Postscript no errors. Thank!


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4 answers

There are 2 problems. Problem with Scanner and condition



etc. (all except .nextLine()

) leave a new line ( \n

or Enter

) in the buffer . This can cause problems, etc.

I suggest adding a separator using keyboard.useDelimiter("\n");

. You only need to do this once and do it right after initialization keyboard


Thus, he will only see Enter

as a signal to end this current input.

In addition, all conditions must use the .equals()

or method .equalsIgnoreCase()

, which is written as:








Strings should be compared using the .eqauals () method. So put the operation if.equals ("Multiplication") ... and so on ...



You are comparing strings by reference, not by their values. Use .equals()

! Instead !



As @Sebastian said, you should use equals instead of == You can improve it a bit to avoid space or case errors (uppercase or lowercase) by doing it like this:

if (operation.trim().toUpperCase().equals("MULTIPLICATION") || operation.trim().equals("*"))


So it will work for multiplication multiplication, but also MulTIpliCation, etc.

You can get the same result using equalsIgnoreCase also



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