Minimal WebRTC for a native app without audio and video

I am interested in developing a WebRTC / libjingle that uses DataChannels but does not use the audio and video capabilities. The audio and video capability adds many dependencies that are large and difficult to cross-compile. Is there a minimal subset of WebRTC assembly that will highlight only the code needed to initialize the DTLS DataChannels with all sdp / stun / turn parameters, etc., while remaining compatible with browser implementations?


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2 answers

AFAIK there is no such minimal, minified version of just the libjingle (or OpenWebRTC ) channel . IMHO this version just looks too project specific and not general enough for libjingle developers to be interested in and support it.

The audio / video capabilities do add quite a few dependencies. However, cross-compiling them for Android or iOS is relatively easy. After all, you just need to compile them. They don't really need to work. If you are just using the data channel, then the audio / video capabilities will never be initialized.

Although the audio / video capabilities may not be fully compiled, they can be "curbed". If you look at webrtc-source-code / build / common.gypi you will find a variable named build_vp9

which 1

is the default. If you install it on 0

, then some video related dependencies will be removed. In the files .gyp

, and .gypi

there are a lot of flags, and I'm sure that if you set them up, you can remove even more unwanted dependencies.

If you are interested in building a webrtc for Raspberry PI or other embedded platforms not based on Android or iOS, I would suggest using OpenWebRTC because it has much better support for these environments and is somewhat easier to cross-compile (you don't have to deal with gyp and ninja).



This is what you need

Minimal implementation of WebRTC in datachannel in c, requires openssl for dtls.


  • extremely lightweight.
  • forward cross compilation


  • no ice support at present


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