How to bring up a message when you click on a disabled button?
I have some disabled * buttons in my android app. How can I light a message when you try to click on them?
how to disable the power button of an activated button?
first you need to create two backgrounds disabled.xml and enabled.xml here is a website to help you do that put them in a folder / folder
here's how to show the button as disabled.
to show it as included
add a boolean variable that allows us to know the state of the button
boolean disabled=true ;//if the button is disabled at first
and then when you enable the button, change the background and boolean value
disabled=false; button.setBackgroundResource(android.R.enabled);
and when you turn it off
disabled=true; button.setBackgroundResource(android.R.disabled);
how to use: add this to the click listener button
Toast.makeText(this,"Button disabled",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
}else {
//do what you want when button is enabled
public String yabadabado="";
//Whatever action that disables button
String yabadabado ="toastmessage";
if (yabadabado.equals("toastmessage"))
{toast your message}
{some other action}
My Solution involves creating two buttons.
A on a button that looks good and normal and has a normal click
An off button that looks like a power button but is off and off on. Click.
Do both of these dynamically with java in activity and then switch them to container layout in XML file at runtime.