BFS modification for shortest paths

I was given the following task as an assignment, but it really baffled me:

Consider the BFS algorithm. Given the digraph G = (V, E) and the initial vertex s ∈ V, this algorithm computes for each vertex u ∈ V the value d [u], which is the length (number of edges) on the shortest path from s to u. The goal of this problem is to modify the BFS class algorithm to compute the number of shortest paths from s to each vertex G.

This can be done in two steps:

(a) Start standard BFS on G first, starting at s. Explain how to use the result of this BFS to create a new digraph G2 = (V 2, E 2), where V 2 βŠ† V and E2 βŠ† E such that every path in G2 starting at s is the shortest path in G starting at s , and conversely, every shortest path in G starting with s is a path in G2.

(b) Explain how to take the result of part (a) to calculate, for each vertex u ∈ V, the value n [u], which is the number of paths in G2 from s to u. (Hint: this can be done with a BFS modification.) Both of your algorithms should run in O (V + E).

For part a, I'm not really sure how to use the results from BFS to create a new digraph. I don't understand how / how it should be formed. Am I using the nodes that have been visited to form a new graph? All nodes are visited when doing BFS, how should I generate another schedule.


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1 answer

The issue (a)

can be resolved by running BFS normally, but for every edge (u, v)

you find when executing it, if shortest-path(u)+1 <= shortest-path(v)

(regardless of whether it v

has already been visited), then a (u, v)

directed edge in G2


Also, when doing this, in order to decide (b)

, you must increase n[v] += n[u]

. In the beginning n[u] = 0

for everyone except s

where n[s] = 1


Here's an example Python implementation:

from collections import deque

def bfs(G, s):
    shortest = [float('+Inf')]*len(G)
    count = [0]*len(G)

    shortest[s] = 0
    count[s] = 1

    Q = deque([s])

    while Q:
        u = Q.popleft()
        for v in G[u]:
            if not count[v]: 

            if shortest[u]+1 <= shortest[v]:
                shortest[v] = shortest[u]+1
                count[v] += count[u]
    return count

G = [
    [1, 2, 3],

print bfs(G, 0)       




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