Programmatically check using data annotations?

I have a property of an entity subclass, I would like to check if it is null.

I cannot annotate it with an attribute [Required]

because then the EF parser will interpret it as needed. I only want this to be required for this type (it is an inherited object).

Thing is the use of display resources in my project and I want the property name and error message to come from the resources.


, Validator.TryValidateObject

, ValidationContext

, , Dictionary<object, object>

, , . , , , , .

, - , " ", , .

Anyway, I would like to ask, how Validator

does the class get the display name internally? Is there any of this feature? Another question: how does it ValidationContext

establish MemberName

internally? Can I build one myself ValidationContext



source to share

1 answer

Looks like I didn't get it, but the property ValidationContext.MemberName

is read-write.

I ended up using the following:

public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> IValidatableObject.Validate(
  ValidationContext validationContext)
  var context = new ValidationContext(this) { MemberName = nameof(BirthDate) };
  var dateResults = new List<ValidationResult>();
  if (!Validator.TryValidateValue(this.BirthDate, context, dateResults,
      new RequiredAttribute 
        ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(ValidationResx),
        ErrorMessageResourceName = Resx.Required 
    foreach (var dateResult in dateResults)
      yield return dateResult;


Another option I could do is set the property as NotRequired

in a fluent API DbContext.OnModelCreating




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