How to square a subgroup in the presence of a formula in R
Neither this post nor this post is applicable to my case.
Let's assume:
x<-rep(c("A","B","C"), c(3,4,1))
I want my story to include groups with more than, say, one element. This means that I want my plot to only show AV, BV and BW Also, since my graph contains about 70 groups, I don't want to do this by writing the list by hand.
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You can create a new column (xy) with paste
, create a boolean index using ave
"xy" for groups that have more than one item, then do boxplot
df1$xy <- factor(paste(df1$x, df1$y, sep='.'))
index <- with(df1, ave(1:nrow(df1), xy, FUN=length))>1
boxplot(z~xy, droplevels(df1[index,]))
Or using ggplot
df %>%
group_by(x,y) %>%
filter(n()>1) %>%
unite(xy, x,y) %>%
ggplot(., aes(xy, z))+
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You can see if there is bp$n
0 and a subset with that
df <- data.frame(x = rep(c("A","B","C"), c(3,4,1)),
y = rep(c("V","W"),c(5,3)),
z = rnorm(8,-2,1))
bp <- boxplot(z ~ x + y, df, plot = FALSE)
wh <- which(bp$n == 0)
bp[] <- lapply(bp, function(x) if (length(x)) {
## `bp` contains a list of boxplot statistics, some vectors and
## some matrices which need to be indexed accordingly
if (!is.null(nrow(x))) x[, -wh] else x[-wh]
## some of `bp` will not be present depending on how you called
## `boxplot`, so if that is the case, you need to leave them alone
## to keep the original structure so `bxp` can deal with it
} else x)
## call `bxp` on the subset of `bp`
Or you can use whatever value you like:
wh <- which(bp$n <= 1)
bp[] <- lapply(bp, function(x) if (length(x)) {
if (!is.null(nrow(x))) x[, -wh] else x[-wh]
} else x)
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