Class calling functions automatically in Python

This is my current class:

class abc:
    def __init__(self, a=0, b=0):
        self.c= c
        self.b = b
        self.a = a

    def type_func(self):
        type = raw_input("enter the type")
        if type == "A":
            self.b = 5
            self.b = 1

    def input(self):
        self.c = int(raw_input("enter c"))

    def display(self):
      print self.a,self.b*self.c

c = cab()


I want to call c.type_func()

, and then make the program automatically calls input()

, and when this is done call display()


How should I do it?


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1 answer

You can call the functions you want by simply adding self.

Thus, to invoke input, you must invoke self.input()

or to display the invocation self.display()

. The function will use the already created object. Call this within the desired class method.



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