Java Generics invoking user class explanation

Dave Syer wrote the following class in a package


    public class ClientDetailsServiceBuilder<B extends ClientDetailsServiceBuilder<B>> extends
        SecurityConfigurerAdapter<ClientDetailsService, B> implements SecurityBuilder<ClientDetailsService> {


I am having difficulty understanding this code. Can anyone explain the use of generics here and what Dave is trying to achieve here?


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2 answers

It is called a recursive type boundary. Here is B

defined in terms ClientDetailsServiceBuilder

. But since it is the type that is just being declared, B

it reappears to satisfy the type parameter.

A more general explanation that I found helpful:

Another good example for this pattern:

public interface Tree<T extends Tree<T>> {
    List<T> getChildren();


This definition makes subtypes (implementations) Tree

automatically return the children of their type parameter, which must Tree

and may even be their actual type . If the return type was only List<Tree>

, callers expecting the subtype might need to do so.



By using class MyClass<T extends MyClass<T>>

, you can access any type of the subclass as a generic type.

This allows you to do things like this:

class MyClass<T extends MyClass<T>> {
    private int value;

    T withValue(int value) {
        this.value = value;
        return (T) this;

class MySubclass extends MyClass<MySubclass> {
    private String name;

    public MySubclass withName(String name) { = name;
        return this;

MySubclass s = new MySubclass()
    .withName("John Doe");




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