Yii2: How to show checked values ​​in CheckboxList

I want to show checked values ​​in my checkbox list in Yii 2.0. Below is my code:

Main array:

$featureArr = array(
    'Change Requester' => 'Change Requester',
    'Clone Request' => 'Clone Request',
    'Suspend Request' => 'Suspend Request',
    'In-Process Requests Open in Edit Mode' => 'In-Process Requests Open in Edit Mode',
    'Allow On-the-Fly Notifications' => 'Allow On-the-Fly Notifications',
    'Additional Comments Field' => 'Additional Comments Field',
    'Do Not Validate Draft Requests' => 'Do Not Validate Draft Requests',
    '(Web-Only) Allow File Attachments' => '(Web-Only) Allow File Attachments',


Retrieving data from a table to display selected items:

$formFeatureModel = FormFeatureForm::find()->where("form_id=" . $model->id)->all();

$checkedFeatureArr = array();
foreach ($formFeatureModel as $data) {
    $checkedFeatureArr[$data->feature] = $data->feature;


Check box

<?= $form->field(new FormFeatureForm, 'feature')->checkboxList($featureArr, ['class' => 'featureCls']) ?>


I am getting the check item in $checkedFeatureArr

from the database. Now I just want to show the checked items. So where do I pass the array $checkedFeatureArr

? Stuck in this.

Any help would be appreciated.


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1 answer

When using it with a model, you must populate the model property with the feature

selected values.

$model->feature = $checkedFeatureArr;


Then it will be automatically checked.

Additional tips:

  • Better to avoid concatenation in SQL, replace ->where("form_id=" . $model->id)

    with ->where(['form_id' => $model->id])


  • Better to create ActiveForm

    before rendering ActiveField




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